
Doris Kearns Goodwin

Doris Kearns Goodwin spoke at SPU’s 20th Downtown Business Breakfast.


Doris Kearns Goodwin, world-renowned presidential historian and Pulitzer Prize-winning author, 在4月8日SPU一年一度的市区商务早餐会上发表主旨演讲. She discussed the current political climate, 回顾了1912年威廉·塔夫脱和西奥多·罗斯福之间的总统初选, and criticized campaign financing and misguided journalism. She also spoke at SPU on Thursday, April 7, in Royal Brougham Pavilion. In her campus presentation, “When They Were Young,她对从亚伯拉罕·林肯(Abraham 林肯)到富兰克林·罗斯福(Franklin Roosevelt)的历任总统以及他们的领导之路进行了反思. After her talk, SPU Professor of History Michael Hamilton hosted a Q&一个会话. Goodwin has chronicled the lives of numerous U.S. 总统. 她的书 Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham 林肯 was recently adapted by Steven Spielberg into the Academy Award-winning film 林肯. 

Sacred Sounds of Christmas

Students playing instrumentsOn November 30 at 西雅图’s McCaw Hall, SPU一年一度的圣诞圣声表演再一次让这个地区听到了来自世界各地最好的圣诞音乐. 通过他们传统的降临节和圣诞颂歌的表演,回荡着节日精神,这是音乐系的最爱, including the Concert Choir, Symphonic Wind Ensemble, 交响乐团, 女子合唱团, 及男子合唱团, with a new addition: SPU’s Gospel Choir. For 16 years, this concert has grown in both acclaim and popularity. Sacred Sounds is highly anticipated; it attracts an audience from all over the Pacific Northwest and beyond. 

泰特 speaks in Professional Development Series

周四, 10月8日, 由奖学金和教师发展中心以及教育技术和媒体主办的专业发展系列节目邀请了Daryl A. 泰特. An instructional technology scholar and professional, 泰特目前是塔兰特县学院区的电子学习教学开发人员. 他做了一个名为“实践赌博十大靠谱软件所宣扬的:利用内容之间的动态互动”的演讲, Pedagogy and Technology” in the SPU 图书馆. 那天晚上, in a public lecture for SPU’s Pedagogy Speaker Series, 泰特 presented “Technology, a Tool for Greater Works” at First Free Methodist Church. 


周二, 10月27日, 奥兰多阿什福德, president of Holland America Line, 在商学院主办的院长季度演讲系列活动中,他作为嘉宾在校园里发表了演讲, 政府, 和经济学. 这个系列将本地和地区优秀的商业专业人士与赌博十大靠谱软件的本科生聚集在一起,分享见解,并将工作世界带入课堂. As Holland America Line’s president, Ashford oversees sales, 市场营销, revenue management, 部署, itinerary planning, 公共关系, 酒店业务, 和策略. 阿什福德的书, Talentism, examines how technology and human networks can bridge skills gaps, enhance business performance, and improve society. 


Funded with support from the Provost Innovation Fund, 服务, and the SPU 图书馆, 图书馆举办了一个系列讲座:“数字智慧:技术交叉点的对话”, 神学, 和文化.11月有三位特别嘉宾来访:来自代顿大学的贾娜·贝内特(Jana Bennett), who spoke on theology, 身份, and social media; Brent Waters of Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, who spoke on “The Moral Terrain of the Emerging Technoculture”; and Michael Burdett of Oxford University, 谁讲了“形成(虚拟)自我:基督徒的实践和网络生活?.” 

Yale’s Willie James Jennings speaks on theology, 艺术, and the body

周四, 10月15日, Willie James Jennings, 耶鲁神学院系统神学和非洲研究副教授, p艺术icipated in a panel discussion on theology, 艺术, 还有身体. Joining him were Chelle Stearns, 西雅图神学与心理学院的神学副教授, 劳拉·拉斯沃斯, professor of 艺术 at 西雅图 Pacific University. 后来, 詹宁斯晚上在华盛顿大学发表了题为“体现艺术精神和预言艺术”的演讲.詹宁斯的访问是由西雅图太平洋神学院和华盛顿大学比较宗教项目主办的, and presented by the Oxford journal Literature and 神学. 

ETM主持Pacansky-Brock“授权年”研讨会,Gary Stager谈“发明学习”

周四, 3月31日, 米歇尔·帕坎斯基-布洛克(Michelle Pacansky-Brock)主持了一个赌博十大靠谱软件学习环境包容性的研讨会,作为“2015-2016年赋权年”的一部分,” the Educational Technology and Media speaker series. Pacansky-Brock是一位著名的高等教育领导者,拥有超过15年的面对面教学不同学生的经验, 混合, and online environments. 她是斯隆- c / OLC在线教学优秀奖的获得者,并担任第八届OLC在线学习新兴技术国际研讨会的会议主席. Pacansky-Brock目前是加州州立大学的教学创新专家, 海峡群岛, where she also teaches Teaching and Learning in a Digital Age, an online course for future teachers. 


生理学专业的学生玛雅·斯威哈特(Maya Swineh艺术)在KPLU电台的一篇报道中对她在SPU建立食物恢复网络认证分会的领导作用进行了报道. Through the efforts of Swineh艺术 and her team, 餐饮服务部门的剩饭正在被回收,以喂给彼得广场的无家可归者, a shelter in South 西雅图. Since January, staff have helped recover nearly 3,000 pounds of food. SPU现在是华盛顿州参与食物回收网络的三所大学之一(也是第一所私立大学).

Students build community through CityQuest service

During the week before Autumn Qu艺术er 2015, 西雅图大学即将入学的班级分布在西雅图各地,帮助当地社区成员开展服务项目. Around 700 students p艺术icipated in CityQuest — doing forest work at Cheasty Greenspace in Rainier Vista; landscaping and cleaning at the Ballard Boys and Girls Club; tent mending at the 西雅图 住房 and Tent City 3 at Bryn Mawr United Methodist Church near Renton; distributing flyers for Hope Central, a pediatrics medical center in Rainier Valley; inventorying supplies from a backpack drive at Coalition on Homelessness; and helping set up a fundraising event for Food Lifeline. 

Soong-Chan Rah speaks at Church Leaders Forum

As p艺术 of the Church Leaders Forum, Soong-Chan Rah spoke in chapel on Tuesday, 2月9日, at First Free Methodist Church. 他是好的赌博软件推荐的兼职教授,教授西雅图太平洋神学院新设的亚裔美国人事工硕士学位的第一门课程. Rah is the Milton B. 北园神学院教会成长与传福音教授, an ordained minister in the Evangelical Covenant Church, 也是剑桥社区团契教会的创始主任牧师, 麻萨诸塞州. He is a nationally recognized speaker and author of several books, including his most recent publication, Prophetic Lament: A Call for Justice in Troubled Times (2015).