Nutrition and Dietetics Major


Human Nutrition students

Didactic Program in Dietetics

The Nutrition and Dietetics major, also known as the Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD), 好的赌博软件推荐提供注册营养师(RDN)所需的课程。. After completing the DPD, and a baccalaureate degree, graduates are required to complete a dietetic internship. 营养学实习的任命是在竞争的基础上授予的,大多数项目都使用 D&D Digital a national computer matching program. Following successful completion of the dietetic internship, graduates must take the credentialing exam offered by the Commission on Dietetic Registration to obtain the RDN credential.

Changes to RDN Education Requirements

"Effective January 1, 2024, 注册营养师委员会(CDR)将要求最少持有硕士学位才有资格参加资格考试,成为注册营养师(RDN)。. In addition, CDR要求个人完成由营养与营养学教育认证委员会(ACEND)认可的课程和监督实践。. 在大多数州,毕业生还必须获得执业执照或证书. 在好的赌博软件推荐成功完成acend认证的DPD课程的毕业生有资格申请acend认证的监督实践课程/申请参加CDR资格考试以成为RDN."

有关学历要求及研发证书的更多资料,请浏览 Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. A list of dietetic internships, (DIs), is also available on this page.

Washington State Licensure Requirements

If you plan to become a registered dietitian (RDN), 请注意,认证/执照的资格和程序因州而异. 华盛顿州的营养学实践是由华盛顿州卫生部管理的,需要一个州执照,与国家注册分开. 申请执照需要学历证明和/或继续教育证明, proof of credential verification, 提交所有必需的表格,包括要求的任何补充文件, and pay all associated fees. 有关许可证要求和申请的更多信息可通过华盛顿州卫生部找到.

Requirements for Dietetic Technician, Registered

To become a Dietetic Technician, Registered (DTR), students must complete the DPD program, obtain a baccalaureate degree, 并参加由饮食注册委员会举办的资格考试,以取得DTR证书. 欲知更多有关DTR证书及考试的资料,请浏览 CDR website.

Mission, goals, and objectives

好的赌博软件推荐营养学教学课程的使命是培养学生参与文化,并为个人面临的营养问题提供解决方案, families, and communities. 毕业生准备进入营养学实习,研究生院,和/或就业.

Program goal 1

该计划将准备有能力的毕业生接受DI计划, the professional arena, and/or graduate study programs.


  • 至少80%的学生在六年内完成课程要求(课程长度的150%).
    • For students matriculating at SPU as freshmen, this is 18 terms (six academic years; four years is the time planned for completion). For transfer and post-baccalaureate students this is nine terms (three academic years; two years is the time planned for completion).
  • 至少60%的毕业生在毕业前或毕业后12个月内申请有监督的实习项目.
  • Of program graduates who apply to a supervised practice program, at least sixty percent are admitted within 12 months of graduation.
  • 该计划的一年通过率(毕业生在第一次尝试的一年内通过注册考试)在CDR营养师资格考试中至少为80%.
  • 至少75%的研究生院院长会在毕业12个月后将SPU毕业生的学术准备评为满意或更高.
  • 至少75%的毕业生认为他们的学术准备是满意或更高的.
  • 至少80%的学生将对他们的DPD学术建议进行满意或更高的评价.
  • 百分之五十的学生选择不申请营养学实习或研究生项目, or are not accepted into these programs, will attain employment in a food and nutrition-related field.

Program goal 2

The program will prepare graduates who participate in professional, leadership, and community service activities.


  • At least 75 percent of alumni will participate in professional, leadership, or community service activities.

    Degree requirements

    取得食物及营养理学学士学位,主修营养学, students must complete 180 credits, including 60 upper division credits. Students must complete the Common Curriculum, the Exploratory Curriculum, and all major requirements for the dietetics specialization. Other requirements include satisfactory completion of math, writing, and foreign language competencies.

    Dietetics Major Requirements

    营养学重点的主要要求和建议的课程顺序可在 undergraduate course catalog. All DPD courses follow the academic calendar published annually by the university.

    Transfer Students

    寻求转到DPD项目的学生可以在转到DPD项目时由DPD主任审查任何相关课程. See the Dietetics Handbook for more information on the review process. 

    Post-Baccalaureate and International Equivalency

    有关学士学位后学生和寻求国际同等学历的学生的非学位DPD途径的信息,请参阅 DPD for Non-Degree Students page and the Dietetics Handbook.

    Entering the Major

    这是一个招生有限的专业,有一个竞争激烈的申请过程. 学生必须在申请专业之前满意地完成先决条件和GPA要求.  Consult the undergraduate catalog for complete major application information including degree requirements, major application requirements, and relevant deadlines.

    Applying for the Major

    The major application is accessed through Banner, review the Nutrition and Dietetics Application Instructions for access instructions. Submitting GPA is an application requirement. Use this GPA Calculator to calculate your current GPA. 

    Program costs

    All student costs, including tuition, other fees, 经济援助的机会是按本科费率确定的. Program-specific costs also apply. A summary of estimated annual costs is available in the table below. 

    Estimated Program Fees
    (2022-23 Academic Year)


    Student activities and technology fee


    Textbook, supplies, and personal expenses


    Lab fees


    Food Handler's Card (one time cost)


    Additional information about estimated student costs can be found in the Undergraduate Catalog. 为攻读营养与营养学学位的学生提供经济援助. SPU's Student Financial Services 提供更多赌博十大靠谱软件经济援助、奖学金以及如何申请的信息. 全日制本科生也可能有资格获得家庭消费者科学奖学金,由FCS部门每年颁发.  More information about the FCS scholarships can be found here.

    Complete program information

    View complete information about the DPD program in the Dietetics Handbook (PDF).

    Faculty Contact

    Catalina Vlad-Ortiz

    Assistant Professor of Nutrition; Director of the Didactic Program in Dietetics
    MS, Eastern Illinois University

    Phone: 206-281-2763
    Office: Peterson Hall 211

    SPU students on campus

    Program outcomes

    Program outcomes include:

    • Five-year internship acceptance rates are 90%.
    • The five-year RD one-year exam pass rate is 90.74% — 84th percentile nationally.

    Want other program outcomes? Contact program director, Catalina Vlad-Ortiz, MEd, MS, RD, CD, at

    Dietetics Handbook

    View complete information about the DPD program in the Dietetics Handbook (PDF)

    Dietetics Accreditation


    Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics

    120 South Riverside Plaza, Suite 2190 Chicago, Illinois 60606-6995