Current Nursing Students

无论你是在本科还是研究生护理学习中, 或者学习先决条件,这样你就可以申请BSN项目, SPU提供了许多与当前和未来的护士和护理教师联系的机会.


Student Handbook

The Nursing Student Handbook, (与BSN和DNP补充)已经编写为学生提供特定的课程信息, SHS — Nursing policies and procedures, campus facilities, and resources. 

Falcon Advantage Program

所有护理课程所需的教育材料都可以通过Akademos获得, SPU's Online Bookstore.

SPU的护理猎鹰优势计划在公寓上课的第一天就为本科护理学生提供所有必需的课程材料, discounted rate. 护理学院指定的所有必修课程材料将在上课第一天或之前自动发送给您,材料费用将自动记入您的学生账户,与您的学费一起支付. During your first quarter in the program you will recieve all course materials needed for the first three quarters of the program; similary in the fourth quarter for the last three quarters of the program.

虽然你的学生账户只会在第一季度和第四季度收取材料费用, 有必要“选择”所有6个季度的护理计划. 这将确保你能继续使用课程材料.

Quarter 1 Quarter 2  Quarter 3  Quarter 4  Quarter 5  Quarter 6
 Opt In Opt In   Opt In Opt In   Opt In  Opt In
Receive All Year 1 materials
Continue using provided materials
Continue using provided materials
Receive additional Year 2 materials
Continue using provided materials
Continue using provided materials
Student account charged for Year 1 materials
 No charge
 No charge
Student account charged for Year 2 materials
 No charge
 No charge

Visit the Bookstore website 有关护理猎鹰优势计划和其他非护理课程材料的常见问题解答. 


SPU护理专业的学生订阅了台风集团提供的一项服务, LLC during their internship or practicum experience. 台风是一个完整的电子学生跟踪系统, including patient encounter logs, evaluations for assessment, student rotation scheduling, student, preceptor, and clinical site databases. 

Graduate Students: Login to the NPST Typhon System as a Student. 

Undergraduate Students: Login to the NSST Typhon System as a Student. 

COVID-19 Vaccine

注册护理课程的学生必须在进入课程前至少4周完全接种COVID-19疫苗. 完全接种疫苗意味着接种了COVID-19疫苗初级系列和疾病预防控制中心推荐的最新加强剂量.

学习经验的很大一部分是在区域卫生保健组织的临床实践中,这些组织要求实习学生充分接种疫苗,以便现场进行临床经验, we must adhere to their requirements. COVID-19 vaccinations continue to evolve, 护理专业的学生将被告知最新的期望.

虽然SPU确实为一般学生提供医疗和宗教医疗豁免, 护理计划确实需要最新的COVID-19疫苗建议.

Nursing Technicians (NTEC)

护理技师(护士技术)是准备获得注册护士或执业护士执照的护理学生. 护士技术人员有在医院、疗养院或诊所工作的执照.


Please use this link when applying for a 通过华盛顿州护理委员会的护士技术执照.

Please request nurse tech documents from Sharon Hagerty at

Required Forms:

  1. Employer Verification Form – 你工作单位的招聘经理会给你提供 Employer Verification Form upon hiring. 学生申请人必须填写表格上的第一和第二部分. 在教育验证表完成并由院长签署之前,护理课程必须有此表格.
  2. Q1-Q4 Skills List –学生申请人在成功完成BSN计划的每个季度后,可以获得签名技能清单. 在面试护士技术职位之前,可以要求一份技能清单. Note: Skills Lists are only available for Quarters 1-4
  3. Education Verification Form – The Education Verification Form 只有在护理项目收到签署的雇主确认表格后,由院长签署的表格才会退还给学生申请人. Students must also complete Sections 1 and 2 on the form.
  4. Clinical Evaluations – 学生可以直接从台风下载他们的评估.

SHS Scholarships and Aid

Other SPU Resources



健康科学学院举办了许多活动来帮助你建立联系, engage, 并在你作为本科或研究生护理学生的时间里蓬勃发展, and even after you graduate. We hope you’ll be able to join us for some of these activities and celebrations.

Clubs and Committees


  • Men in Nursing lunches: 参加护理项目的男性每月一次的聚会,在一起吃饭的时候交流和分享他们的经验. Discussion may be led by faculty or alumni; lunch is provided. Contact Heidi Monroe for details.
  • Committee and leadership opportunities: 学生被邀请参加护理项目委员会,监督招生等领域, curriculum, and student affairs (with cultural safety). 其他领导职位由本科护理学生担任项目大使, and ASSP senators. Contact for details.

William Nguyen

William Nguyen’s Story

“在我即将入伍的前一天晚上,我感染了带状疱疹病毒. 什么东西被误认为是严重的皮疹,却很快变成了细菌感染, which would render me immobile for two weeks. 我想成为一名爆炸物处理技术人员的希望很快就破灭了.”

Yashica Crumpton

Yashica Crumpton’s Story

“当我在海军服役时,我的主要护理人员是一名执业护士. 她很温柔,总是让我觉得她就在我身边,这对我有很大的影响. 我有机会申请一个新的军官项目, and one of the choices was to become a nurse.”