
How AP exams transfer

如果你有兴趣在AP考试中获得学分, 你应该有一份正式的成绩报告寄到 Undergraduate Admissions at SPU. 

下面的图表显示了SPU如何接受官方成绩报告上的大学先修课程考试成绩. 括号内的数字表示获得学分所需的分数. 分数低于3分将不被计入学分.

如果您认为您从SPU获得学分的考试也可能满足主要要求, 请联系相关部门进行审查.

AP exam subject Credits and Scores Exploratory Curriculum SPU acceptance
Art History 5 (for 3, 4, or 5) WKA Arts
Biology 5 (for 4, 5) WKFS** BIO 1101
Calculus AB 5 (for 4, 5) WKQR MAT 1234
Calculus BC 5分(AB总分不低于4分者为3分) WKQR MAT 1234
  10 (for 4, 5) WKQR MAT 1234, 1235
Chemistry 5 (for 4) WKFS** CHM 1211
  10 (for 5) WKFS** CHM 1211 and 1212
Chinese Lang and Culture 5 (for 3)
CHN 1102
  10 (for 4) For. Lang. met CHN 1103 and 2101*
  15 (for 5) For. Lang. met CHN 1103, 2101, and 2102*
比较政府与政治学 5 (for 3, 4, or 5)
Computer Science A 5 (for 3, 4, or 5) WKAS Applied Science
计算机科学原理 5 (for 4, 5) WKAS CSC 1010
Macroeconomics 5 (for 3, 4, or 5) WKSS ECN 2102
Microeconomics 5 (for 3, 4, or 5) WKSS ECN 2101
英语语言及写作 5 (for 4, 5)   Elective
英国文学与写作 5 (for 4, 5) WKH Humanities
Environmental Science 5 (for 4, 5) WKAS Applied Science
European History 5 (for 3, 4, or 5) WKSS History elective
French Lang and Culture 5 (for 3)
FRE 1101 and 1102
  10 (for 4)
FRE 1101 and 1102 
  15 (for 5) For. Lang. met FRE 1103*
German Lang and Culture 5 (for 3)
  10 (for 4)
  15 (for 5) For. Lang. met Elective
Human Geography 5 (for 3, 4, or 5) WKSS Social Sciences
Italian Lang and Culture 5 (for 3)
  10 (for 4)
  15 (for 5) For. Lang. met Elective
Japanese Lang and Culture 5 (for 3)
  10 (for 4) Elective
  15 (for 5) For. Lang. met Elective
Latin 5 (for 3)
LAT 1102
  5 (for 4) For. Lang. met LAT 1103*
  10 (for 5) For. Lang. met LAT 1103*
Music Theory 5 (for 3, 4, or 5)
MUS 1050
Physics 1
5 (for 4, 5)
WKFS** PHY 1101
Physics 2
10 (for 4, 5)
None PHY 1102 and 1103
Physics C: Mechanics 5 (for 4, 5) WKFS** PHY 1121
Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism 5 (for 4, 5) None PHY 1123
Psychology 5 (for 3, 4, or 5) WKSS PSY 1180
Research     Not transferrable
Seminar     Not transferrable
西班牙语言与文化 5 (for 3)
SPN 1102
  10 (for 4) For. Lang. met SPN 1102, and 1103*
  15 (for 5) For. Lang. met SPN 1102, 1103, and 2101*
西班牙文学与文化 5 (for 3, 4, or 5) WKH Humanities
Statistics 5 (for 4, 5) WKQR MAT 2360
Studio Art: Drawing 5 (for 4, 5) WKA ART 1102
Studio Art: 2-D Design 5 (for 4, 5)
WKA ART 1102
Studio Art: 3-D Design  5 (for 4, 5)
None Elective
美国政府与政治  5 (for 3, 4, or 5) WKSS POL 1120
United States History 5 (for 3, 4, or 5) WKSS History elective
World History 5 (for 3, 4, or 5) COR2 UCOR 2000


